

It can be challenging to parent even the easiest of children. However, if your child has anxiety, OCD, anger or emotion-regulation issues, it can wreak havoc on your family and relationships.

Young parents often struggle with setting limits, managing over-the-top tantrums, sleep issues, and navigating changes in their relationships and work-life balance. Parents of adolescents and teens often struggle with unrealistic expectations in a hyper-competitive world, as well as issues related to friends, substance use, and discipline. And, finally, parents of struggling young adults often need additional support in helping navigate their young adult children to a successful, independent adulthood.

Having raised two children in New York City, Ruth has the personal and professional experience necessary to guide you through all of these parenting challenges. Ruth provides a safe space to help you explore these challenges and will give you the insight, skills, and tools to improve your relationship with your children and help them achieve their potential!